Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education Students Win Gold Medals at the 2021 WYIIA Competition

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Again and again, Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education Students are again waving their wings in the international arena. The outstanding students consisted of a group of five people, including: Fara Diba Widi Priantini from the Field of Expertise of English Business class of 2019, Fian Ira Anggreini from the Field of Library and Archives Expertise class of 2019, Nabila Nur Huwaida from the Field of Interior Design Expertise class of 2019, Sandi Sakti Hidayat Tulloh from the Field of Information Technology Expertise class of 2018, and Mohamad Zakaria Al Ansori from the Field of Information Technology Expertise class of 2017.

They won gold medals and two awards including the Malaysian Innovation Creativity Association (MIICA) Special Award and IYSA Grand Award (Fully Funded to ISIF 2022: Benefit). World Youth Invention and Innovation Award (WYIIA) is an international competition organized in 2021 by the Indonesian Young Scientists Association (IYSA). This WYIIA event will be held on August 18-21, 2021. The team from Vocational Education managed to outperform 450 teams from 35 countries.

In this WYIIA competition, there are several subjects presented, namely: Mathematics, Technology, Environment, Energy and Engineering, Life Science, Social Science, Physics, and Education. The team from Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education submitted a work entitled The "SRAKTION" Program (Socialization, Reuse, Marketing, and Application) as a Smart Solution to Dealing With Community Problems Affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. This work is a program that is beneficial to the community and can overcome the negative impact of Covid-19 layoffs.

According to Fara Diba, the first thing that must be prepared when participating in the WYIIA competition is financial which aims at registration fees. Fian Ira also added that the next thing that must be prepared is the distribution of tasks for making paper, making posters, making PPT, and much more. "We did good preparation for English presentations for approximately 8 days in a row before the D-day of the race. We do file preparation in advance considering the completeness of the files needed is quite a lot. mental readiness to face juries from abroad, and many more," explained Nabila.

In the WYIIA competition, there are challenges felt by the Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education team. The challenge felt by Fara Diba is that the signal must be stable because other team members are in different areas. Meanwhile, according to Fian Ira, the challenge felt by him was during the question and answer process with the judges. "Between speaking and listening is like being tested and understanding of the paper as well. The key to being able to pass challenge after challenge is to open the paper often to better understand." Fian Ira explained. In addition, the number of participants amounting to more than 400 people made the team from Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education feel challenged.

The tips for participating in international level competitions given by the Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education team, namely:

  1. Strengthen the basics of speaking English first, because English is the language of instruction for international competitions.
  2. Prepare double devices on judging day.
  3. Often search for info about the competition on Instagram.
  4. Don't feel inferior with other participants. Just give your best.

By getting the Grand Award, the Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education team will compete again in the ISIF international competition which will be held in October in Jakarta. Let's pray that our friends get smooth and can make Universitas Brawijaya Vocational Education proud again.

source from :https://vokasi.ub.ac.id/mahasiswa-pendidikan-vokasi-universitas-brawijaya-raih-gold-medal-dan-dua-penghargaan-lainnya-pada-perlombaan-world-youth-invention-and-innovation-award-wyiia-2021/